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Showrunner for the Award-winning Series Rogue History on PBS Origins’ YouTube Channel (2 seasons)

Producer | Camera | EditorS1E13 - BUSINESS INSIDER: A CLOSER LOOK: California Halts Oil Drilling But Buys Crude From The Amazon

Producer | Writer | Camera | Editor

S1E13 - BUSINESS INSIDER: A CLOSER LOOK: California Halts Oil Drilling But Buys Crude From The Amazon


CBS News Originals | Feminism has never been more widely proclaimed than it is now. But there is no consensus within the movement about what that means or how to move forward. Ar...

Producer | Camera | EditorS2 BUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: The US-China trade war is hurting American tobacco farmers, who are finding it difficult to sell their crops.

Producer | Writer | Camera | Editor

S2 BUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: The US-China trade war is hurting American tobacco farmers, who are finding it difficult to sell their crops.


CBS News Originals | The body positivity movement was created to offer an inclusive community for those of all sizes. But some argue that it celebrates being overweight at the e...

Producer | EditorBUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: From molten iron to family heirloom - How These Cast Iron Skillets Became An American Staple For 124 years

Producer | Writer | Editor

BUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: From molten iron to family heirloom - How These Cast Iron Skillets Became An American Staple For 124 years

Producer | Camera | EditorS2 BUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: How A Fruitcake Shop Became A Million Dollar Business

Producer | Writer | Camera | Editor

S2 BUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: How A Fruitcake Shop Became A Million Dollar Business

Producer | EditorBUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: Bars Now Make Cocktails To-go, And It May Last…

Producer | Writer | Editor

BUSINESS INSIDER TODAY: Bars Now Make Cocktails To-go, And It May Last…

Director | Executive Producer


From behind bars, John has helped thousands of incarcerated dads stay connected to their kids, even while he struggles to stay connected to his own.

NowThis: North Carolina Protesters Heckle Health Care Workers In Call To Reopen[Camera - News Rush]

NowThis: North Carolina Protesters Heckle Health Care Workers In Call To Reopen

[Camera - News Rush]

Cameraperson | PBS News Hour

Executive Producer, Director | Fatherly

Editor | NBC - BETTER

Executive Producer, Director | Fatherly

Business Insider | Producer

Business Insider | Producer

CamerapersonJUST ONE FOUNDATION: After 14 years of addiction, a woman spends her first sober Mother’s Day with her kids, and becomes a mentor to young woman struggling with addiction.


JUST ONE FOUNDATION: After 14 years of addiction, a woman spends her first sober Mother’s Day with her kids, and becomes a mentor to young woman struggling with addiction.

Cameraperson |

The New York Times – Medicaid expansion could benefit 4.5 million Americans. North Carolina is taking on the fight, as health care for 500,000 hangs in the balance.

Executive Producer | Fatherly

Executive Producer | Director

Co-Executive Producer | Fatherly

Executive Producer | Fatherly

Director, Producer, DP | Self Published

Video Journalist | The New York Times

Co-Executive Producer | Fatherly

Director Of Photography | New York Magazine

Video Journalist | The New York Times

Video Journalist | The New York Times

Co-Executive Producer | Fatherly